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To unify the four municipalities

AVENIR ÎLE PERROT requests a meeting with elected officials

durée 09h00
4 septembre 2024






Ginette  Brisebois
Par Ginette Brisebois

The citizen association AVENIR ÎLE PERROT – Becoming Île Perrot wishes to meet with the elected officials of Île Perrot to discuss the current municipal governance on the island and the relevance of unifying the four municipalities.

The association recently requested a closed-door meeting with each of the island's four municipal councils, namely Pincourt, Terrasse-Vaudreuil, L'Île-Perrot and Notre-Dame-de-l'Île-Perrot, to introduce the group’s mission and to discuss the topic of unification.   

Representatives of AVENIR ÎLE PERROT will meet members of the Pincourt municipal council mid-September. “The Pincourt municipal council was the first to agree to meet with us, an example of their open-mindedness. We are very grateful to them,” says spokesperson for AVENIR ÎLE PERROT, Gérard Farmer.   

The association is still waiting for a response from the other three municipal councils on the island. It is with a spirit of amiability that the representatives of the association wish to conduct these meetings. “We want an open and cordial exchange with our elected officials hoping for a fulfilling gathering of ideas,” adds the spokesperson.

Considering all the challenges that present themselves in the 21st century, AVENIR ÎLE PERROT believes the time has come to begin thinking about updating the municipal governance structure on Île Perrot. “Today, in 2024, the territory of Île Perrot consists of four distinct municipal governments, a divide that was decided and structured in the 1950s. We must ask ourselves whether this divided municipal administration is still relevant,” says Gérard Farmer.

Île Perrot, which had only one municipality when it began in 1854, was partitioned over a period of ten years, from 1948 to 1958, into five municipalities. Since 1984, with the merger of the City of Pointe-du-Moulin and the parish of Notre-Dame-de-l’Île-Perrot, the island has become four municipalities.

AVENIR ÎLE PERROT – Becoming Île Perrot is a non-profit organization founded in November 2023 by a group of citizens concerned about the vitality of Île Perrot. This citizen’s association enjoys the support of hundreds of people of all ages, from very diverse backgrounds (business, leisure, culture, etc.). It offers the citizens of Île Perrot a place to think and discuss the municipal governance structure on their island, taking into account today’s reality.





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