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A Grand Bazaar to benefit the Church of Saint-Lazare

durée 11h00
21 avril 2024






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

Paroisse Saint-Joseph-de-Soulanges, encompassing the churches of Saint-Lazare and Les Cèdres, will be holding a Grand Bazar on Sunday, May 5, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Saint-Lazare Community Center.

On site, you'll find a variety of items, a snack bar and a silent auction. A half-and-half draw is also planned for the day. Refreshments and snacks will be available on site for those who wish to break bread.

" People who wish to dispose of some of their surplus items at home can bring them to the presbytery of St-Lazare church and leave them on the gallery until Saturday, May 4. We're looking for clothing, furniture, baby items, books, DVDs, sports equipment, household items, handicrafts and crockery," explains Lucie Bettez, who is in charge of pastoral and social activities at the parish.

For the curious, the silent auction will feature a fur coat and a Christmas village.

What will the funds raised be used for? " For our Save Our Churches campaign. The funds raised for the half-and-half will be used to pay for electricity at St-Lazare church," she concludes.





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