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École secondaire du Chêne-Bleu

Schiefke delivers new pride flag to show solidarity with LGBTQ2+ students

durée 16h52
17 mai 2023






Par John Jantak, Journaliste

Peter Schiefke made an unexpected visit to École secondaire du Chêne-Bleu in Pincourt this morning to deliver a new pride flag and to show his support for the LGBTQ2+ student community at the secondary school.

A video posted on social media yesterday showed a mob of students ripping down and trampling on a multicoloured pride flag that was displayed to mark International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia which is being marked today, May 17.

Schiefke, the Liberal Member of Parliament for Vaudreuil-Soulanges, also took to social media to express his feelings about the incident.

"...the violent actions by some students were, shocking, disturbing and saddening...and have no place in our schools, our community, nor in an open and accepting country. The gesture to replace the flag was made to show solidarity with the students who were affected." he wrote.

Schiefke also took the time to speak about the incident and provide an exclusive update to Néomédia.

"The school administration has done a great job responding to the situation that occurred. I had the chance to speak to the principal this morning. Several students have been suspended and the principal spoke personally to many of the parents.

"The principal and many of her colleagues are all wearing lapels and T-shirts that feature pride colours today. These are all extremely positive steps." 

"When I saw the video yesterday, I was shocked that this occurred in our community. We pride ourselves on being an accepting community, one that celebrates diversity.

"My first thoughts were disbelief and sadness. Then my thoughts went immediately to thinking about the students that identify as LGBTQ2+ and what they must be feeling about what happened yesterday.

"They're probably thinking that the school is no longer a safe space for them and that they're not accepted in our community. So I thought about ways I could play a role as a Member of Parliament.

"I want to say that they are accepted. What happened is unacceptable and we will do everything in our power to make sure things like this are not repeated.

"I also made a post on my social media page which was a direct message to the students who were affected to let them know they are loved, accepcted and live in a community that is accepting," said Schiefke.





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