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Municipal politics in Vaudreuil-Dorion

The three women on Vaudreuil-Dorion’s municipal council resign from the Parti de l’action

durée 11h09
17 janvier 2023






Par Salle des nouvelles

During the Vaudreuil-Dorion municipal council meeting held earlier this evening, Councillors Jasmine Sharma (District 3 –Des Bâtisseurs), Karine Lechasseur (District 4 – De la Seigneurie) and Diane Morin (District 5 – Des Chenaux) announced their decision to resign from the Parti de l’action de Vaudreuil-Dorion, led by Mayor Guy Pilon. The three will henceforth sit as independent councillors.

Although some of the reasons behind their decision are the same, the three councillors do not wish to form a coalition or political party at this time. Each is motivated by a desire to put citizens at the forefront of their decisions rather than the political party’s interests.

They condemn the practice of having to toe the party line when voting during public meetings, the leader’s lack of openness with regard to participatory democracy, disrespect in dealings with citizens and elected officials, and the intimidation directed toward councillors who wish to ask “too many” questions or express concerns during public meetings.

Jasmine Sharma joined the council six years ago, in the hopes of bringing a fresh perspective and raising the discourse to another level. She was quickly disappointed by the rigidity and lack of openness of the leader. She nonetheless chose to run again during the last elections, believing firmly that she needed to be at the decision-making table to effect change. Unfortunately, the situation has since deteriorated to the point that she no longer sees her values reflected in this political group.

“Over the last few months, I have spoken to the team about my concerns and discomfort surrounding the uncompromising direction our party is taking,” explained Councillor Sharma. “I have tried to put forward constructive solutions to resolve the impasse, but they have been dismissed without any viable alternatives being offered. It became clear to me that I could not remain in a party that no longer reflects the values and principles I have always stood for.”

Positions that run counter to the party’s values

Karine Lechasseur, a newly elected councillor and veteran political volunteer, is disappointed and hurt by the divide she sees between the values embraced by the political party she has invested 10 years in and the authoritative climate around the council table.

“There is a disconnect between what we have stated in political campaigns and the decisions made by the municipal council,” said Councillor Lechasseur. “I have tried to raise issues that I consider important and that are fundamental to my political involvement, but they do not seem to resonate with the team. As an independent, I plan to assert my opinions and share them publicly to push the debate forward.”

The new councillor, who is keen to learn, admits she was taken aback when the leader clearly indicated to her that it would be in her best interest to observe and refrain from asking too many questions until she has gained sufficient experience.

Respect and transparency

The lack of respect during interactions with local partners, public servants and citizens was a decisive factor in the resignation of the three councillors. They point to situations in which their right to speak or ask questions has been curtailed, where citizens have been abruptly cut off while speaking and where inappropriate comments have been made during meetings, leaving them feeling profoundly uncomfortable.

“I can’t bear how people’s right to speak at various public and private meetings is ignored,” said Councillor Morin. “I am also very troubled by the leader’s lack of transparency in communicating with elected officials, which creates a climate of mistrust and manipulation. I am a businesswoman who chose to become involved in politics to move our community forward. For the citizens in my district, I am committed to upholding the values of our community. I will therefore remain open-minded and stand up for their interests, out of respect for them and myself.”

The three councillors wish to reassure their respective constituents that they will continue to serve them and be true to the values of the 2020–2025 strategic plan, namely audacity, commitment and openness. They will also continue to collaborate with their fellow elected officials and the city’s administration, for whom they have the utmost respect.




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