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Large-scale project

Rehabilitation of the Carillon hydroelectric facility: five priorities identified by citizens

durée 10h30
18 avril 2024






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste

A few weeks after the announcement of the project to rehabilitate the Carillon hydroelectric facility, Hydro-Québec presents a summary of the information gathered from the public, in particular concerning citizens' priorities and concerns.

Based on the proposals received, the Société d'État is working with the stakeholders concerned to determine the potential measures to be incorporated into the project.

At the same time, it is continuing its studies, taking into account all available information, to determine the best possible project. The project concept should be presented around 2025, she estimates.

Since the start of the preliminary project to rehabilitate the Carillon hydroelectric facility, the citizens who responded to the questionnaire have identified five priorities:

1. Bank erosion ;

2. Operating practices related to water management;

3. Fish habitat ;

4. Recreational and tourism facilities in the vicinity of the power plant;

5. Public traffic flow and safety, before, during and after construction.

These are important inputs. A number of ideas and initiatives have been put forward to ensure that the project and development blend harmoniously into the surrounding environment.

In January 2024, Hydro-Québec distributed 13,000 information bulletins to local residents and issued a press release to the media, in order to publicize the project and solicit public participation from the outset of the preliminary project.
Interested parties can submit their comments via the Info-projets line at 1 877 653-1139. For more information on this major project, visit



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