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At its main campus and study centers

Cégep de Valleyfield: nearly 2,000 visitors at open house

durée 13h30
17 novembre 2023






Marie-Claude Pilon
Par Marie-Claude Pilon, Journaliste

Last October, Cégep de Valleyfield celebrated the return of its annual open house at its main campus in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, as well as at its study centers.

For the occasion, nearly 2,000 visitors from regional school boards and across Quebec were able to discover the facilities, the different programs of study and the services offered.

Open house at Cégep de Valleyfield

On Thursday, October 26, the Cégep de Valleyfield welcomed over 1,000 Secondary 5 students from regional school boards to its Portes ouvertes sur l'éducation event. In addition to presenting each of its programs in the form of workshops, kiosks in the gymnasium and Café chez Rose, and a reinvented conference on its environment, Cégep de Valleyfield welcomed other CEGEPs, vocational training centers and specialized schools to offer participants a window on other possible avenues.

On Saturday, October 28, the Cégep was back with a public open house. It was a first in its history to hold this event on a weekend, and it was a great success, with attendance almost double that of recent years.

The institution's programs of study, activities and services were presented to visitors in the form of kiosks. In addition to discovering the areas dedicated to each field of study (laboratories, specialized premises, study rooms), attendees could take advantage of various guided tour options to experience, for a day, the Cégep's attractions, including the student residences.

The event was also graced by the presence of 98.5 FM columnist Catherine Beauchamp, and singer-songwriter Massicotte, who shared their experiences at the Cégep de Valleyfield and praised the stimulating environment that the city of Salaberry-de-Valleyfield represents.

Open house at the Saint-Constant and Vaudreuil-Dorion study centers 

On the evening of Wednesday October 18, the Centre d'études collégiales de Saint-Constant opened its doors to the general public and to people wishing to pursue regular or continuing education. Representatives from the programs and courses offered, services and student life, guidance and admissions, and the continuing education department (adult education courses) were on hand to answer questions.

On the evening of Wednesday, October 18, the Centre d'études collégiales de Saint-Constant opened its doors to the general public and to people wishing to pursue studies in regular or continuing education.Representatives from the programs and courses offered, services and student life, guidance and admissions, and the continuing education department (adult education courses) were on hand to answer questions.

On Tuesday, October 24, the study center also launched its first edition of Educational Open House, albeit in a more intimate format. Three schools took part in this new project, representing almost 150 people.

Finally, the Centre d'études de Vaudreuil-Dorion's open house event was held on Thursday evening, October 19. Representatives from the Nursing program, the Continuing Education Department and Guidance answered questions from the public.

The Cégep management would like to thank the teams in charge of communications, academic guidance, pedagogical assistance, student activities and material resources, not forgetting the important contribution of teachers, volunteers and all those who, in one way or another, helped to make these Open House events a success.

Cégep de Valleyfield and its Centre d'études collégiales de Saint-Constant will open their doors again in February 2024.





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