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91% of bins inspected in Vaudreuil-Dorion were non-compliant

There's still work to be done on waste management

durée 04h30
24 avril 2024






Jessica Brisson
Par Jessica Brisson, Éditrice adjointe

The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion took advantage of Earth Day, on Monday April 22, to present the results of its study of the contents of wheeled bins on its territory.

The project was led by outreach officers who, between May 19 and August 18, 2023, carried out 25 inspection outings on Vaudreuil-Dorion territory. The aim of these inspections was to draw up a portrait of the most frequent sorting errors found in wheeled bins in the residential sector of Vaudreuil-Dorion.

“The information gathered is recorded in a database, which is updated every year. A temporal and spatial assessment of the occurrence of non-compliance is tracked and used as a reference to target other awareness and information activities related to residual materials management,” explains the city in its report. 

A total of 12,338 bins were inspected: 2,697 black bins for waste, 5,598 brown bins for organics and 4,043 blue bins for recycling. 

The inspections revealed that 91% of the waste bins inspected were non-compliant. The most frequently observed sorting error was the presence of organic materials, therefore destined for the brown bin, in 51% of bins. This was followed by recyclables (33%), green waste (24%), food waste (15%) and compostable paper (12%).

In the case of brown bins for organic waste, 90% of them were compliant. The most frequent error was the use of plastic bags for waste disposal. 

Finally, for recycling bins, 78% of the bins observed were compliant. In 9%, the inspectors found “ultimate” waste, i.e. waste destined for the black bin, as well as tissues and compostable paper. 

The MRC's web tool enables all local residents to manage their residual materials responsibly.

Depending on the material to be disposed of and where you live, Tricycle presents a map or list of all possible disposal sites, including the various collection services. You can also consult the Tricentris reminder.






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